Day Trip to Penrith
Sunday 28th of May 2006

Yesterday (Sunday 28th of May 2006) the Social Club had another wonderful outing this time to Penrith. Who would believe Penrith could be so interesting. Soon after arriving we boarded the Nepean Bell Paddlewheeler and cruised up the beautiful Nepean river, while onboard we had Devonshire tea and along with the scenery we were entertained by the captain and most of the children on board with their delightful singing, convivial conversation was also a joy to participate in.

Next stop was a guided tour of the Penrith Whitewater Stadium, a most impressive structure, the facts and figures our guide conveyed about the site was eye opening to say the least, $300 per hour just to run the pumps (wow), while we were there many Canoes and Rubber Boats plied the course demonstrating the difficulties and fun of the sport.

Lunch was at Panthers Club, most of us opted for the Bistro, I had Roast Pork (yum). The Regatta Centre was our next item where a guide boarded our bus for our tour, the course is two kilometres long, time wouldn't permit a walking tour (thank goodness).

Our last visit for the day was to Glenleigh, a historic home  in the area referred to as the Megalong Valley, Glenleigh is a wonderful building, made from bricks that were imported from England, some of the downstairs rooms were ornately decorated. The Dining room's ceiling had frescos, painted by Italian artists bought over for the project, they depicted game animals, Hare, Dear (Venison), Fish, Eels and Birds, the Library had pictures of famous authors, the Music Room had pictures of great composers and opera singers of the day, along with the recently installed antique furniture, Gardens and Grounds made it an attractive and enjoyable visit. Afternoon tea was served on the veranda of Glenleigh, Devonshire tea again (gosh life is tough).

Thanks for organising it all Nadia.
